Selling an Inherited Home: 5 Reasons to Sell Now

An inherited home can be a blessing for some and a source of inconvenience for others. Once you’ve figured out the financial implications of selling your inherited home, you may decide that putting it on the market is the best choice. Even so, many homeowners find themselves in a holding pattern. The market may […]
Relocating and Selling Your Home in Maryland

Relocating is complicated, even in the best of cases. As local Maryland real estate professionals, we’ve met hundreds of people who need to move out of town, whether it’s to pursue a job, be closer to family, or retire to a sunnier locale. You have to find a new place to live, whether you’re relocating […]
Make the Right Decision about Your Home to Live Worry-Free in Assisted Living

Moving into assisted living is a big step in someone’s life. It’s a difficult choice to make, but it has obvious benefits for seniors. When you make the choice to move into assisted living, deciding what to do with your home is often one of the major problems seniors face. Don’t worry, though — you […]
How to Sell Your Home—in All Four Seasons!

You might hear that your home is more likely to sell at one time of the year or another. Here are the pros and cons of selling in each season. Selling Your Home in the Summer Selling your home during the summer months? This may be a good time of year to sell because with […]